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The SUNY Mindfulness Institute

The SUNY Mindfulness Institute was established to address  mental health challenges and support wellbeing for faculty, staff and students in our university community.

Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness

The Need for Mindfulness

The need for mindfulness in SUNY's colleges and universities is very clear. According to a report from the Center for Disease Control, one in four people aged 18-24 contemplated suicide in June of 2020, compared to one in 10 in 2018. In the same report, 41 percent of respondents reported at least one mental health condition.  Exacerbating the challenge of addressing mental health concerns is the Covid-19 pandemic, which according to the National Association of Mental Illness, has doubled the number of Americans who reported some type of mental illness. 

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To address the mental health needs of the SUNY System, the SUNY Student Mental Health and Wellness Task Force made recommendations to the SUNY Chancellor and the Board of Trustees. Based on the recommendations of the taskforce, the  Chancellor dedicated $24 million to implement mental health initiatives across the SUNY system. SUNY's mental health services can be found here: SUNY Mental Health.

Research has shown that mindfulness-based activities such as meditation and yoga can reduce anxiety, depression and stress. The SUNY Mindfulness Institute provides additional vital interventions to address the mental health challenges in the SUNY System including mindfulness education, coaching, programming, research and resources.

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Mindfulness and Students

Being the largest, most comprehensive system of higher education in the nation with an enrollment of over 350,000 students, SMI will have a significant impact on the mental health and overall wellbeing of many students. Partnering with faculy to develop curriculum that teaches mindfulness as well as training faculty to utilize mindfulness in their classrooms as a pedagogical tool will allow students to focus and relax more during class time. A 2021 study out of UCLA found that college students shifted from sentiments of negative wellbeing to positive wellbeing after completing a semester long mindfulness activity that was a requirement of their course. In addition to expanding mindfulness based practices in the curriculum, SMI will also provide opportunities to learn and practice mindfulness through workshops, counseling center visits as well as through extra-curricular activities.

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In 1997, the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society (CMind) was established to promote the teaching and learning of contemplative practices in society. CMind started the Contemplative Practice Fellowship Program, which was created to foster the development and integration of contemplative approaches in higher education. SUNY faculty have been a part of this program and have shared their knowledge of contemplative practices with other SUNY faculty and students. On September 1, 2022, after nearly 30 years of promoting contemplative understandings, practicing contemplative justice, building transformative community, and being a contemplative leader, CMind closed it's programs.  The Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education (ACMHE), an initiative of CMind, will continue as an institutionally independent member-governed association. 


From the success of CMind's Contemplative Practice Fellowship Program and the growing interest around mindfulness based practices, CMind's Board of Director's decided to establish the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education (ACMHE) in 2008, which is the first professional higher education organization dedicated to contemplative practices. The goal of ACMHE is to promote scholarly associations and coordinate the development of  curricular and co-curricular contemplative innovations in higher education. Many SUNY faculty and staff are members of ACMHE.

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In association with ACMHE, SUNY faculty and students came together in the spring of 2012 at the University at Albany to create the SUNY Contemplative Network. This organization was the first SUNY-wide organization for mindfulness and contemplative practices. The SUNY Contemplative Network sponsored conferences and drew together faculty and staff to promote contemplative practices.  


Our Mission

To utilize the power of SUNY to provide education, support, research and resources to further the knowledge and practice of mindfulness throughout our university system and in our society.

Our Vision

The SUNY Mindfulness Institute seeks to increase compassion,  support and well-being throughout the SUNY system by utilizing mindfulness-based practices.


SUNY has a rich history of mindfulness practices dating back to the 1960's with curriculum taught in Yoga, Philosophy and Eastern religions at many SUNY campuses. Since then, many organizations and events have been established to bring together mindful practitioners and educators across the SUNY System and throughout higher education.

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Based on the momentum and organization of the SUNY Contemplative Network as well as the Western New York Contemplative Faculty/Staff Group, the first ever SUNY funded conference on mindfulness was organized during the spring 2016 semester at the University at Buffalo. Over 400 people from 50 institutions of higher education, including faculty and staff from 32 SUNY institutions, attended.

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Seeing the need to continue the work of the SUNY Contemplative Network and the SUNY Mindfulness Conference, the SUNY Mindfulness Institute  (SMI) was established comprising of faculty and staff from various SUNY campuses. The goal of SMI is to bring together faculty, staff and students in SUNY to develop and deliver mindfulness based education, research, practices and resources.


Our Services

Mindfulness Retreat

Join us for the first ever SUNY Wide mindfulness retreat during the Summer of 2023


Join us for free webinars on mindful topics such as self care, meditation and mindful leadership

Team Trainings

SUNY Mindfulness Institute experts are available for both online and in person team trainings 

Mindfulness Coaching

Our SUNY Mindfulness Institute instructors are coaches and mindfulness practitioners with years of experience. 

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Mindfulness Education 

Learn about mindfulness based course offerings and certification programs to increase your knowledge of mindful practices 

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Research and Resources

The SUNY Mindfulness Institute provides the latest research, resources and support for people who are interested in mindful practices

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Mindfulness Conference

Join fellow mindful practitioners at our annual SUNY Mindfulness Conference 

Mindfulness Articles 

Learn about advances in mindfulness research and practices through our online publication, "SUNY Mind"

Mindfulness TV

Mindfulness TV highlights key people, programs and practices in the mindfulness community 


The SUNY Mindfulness Network

The SUNY Mindfulness Institute is the coordinating organization for the SUNY Mindfulness Network. The SUNY Mindfulness Network collaborates with representatives on each of SUNY's 64 campuses. These representatives serve as liaisons to the SUNY Mindfulness Institute and lead mindfulness groups on their respective campuses.


Mindfulness Based Practices in SUNY

Mindful Courses
and Training

The University at Buffalo offers mindfulness based courses and training

Mindfulness Counseling Advanced Certifcate

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Contemplative Studies Minor

Purchase College offers an interdisciplinary minor in Contemplative Studies

Mindfulness Living
Stress Reduction 

SUNY Upstate offers a personalized Mindfulness Living Reduction Program

Mind/Body Program

SUNY Cortland offers classes in Yoga, meditation and stress relief

Meditation Course

SUNY Corning offers online courses in Contemplative Meditation 

Mindful Yoga Course

SUNY Oswego offers a course in Mindful Yoga

Contemplative Group

SUNY New Paltz organizes a faculty/staff contemplative group 

Oneonta Mindfulness Initiative 

SUNY Oneonta organizes a host of mindfulness activities for faculty, staff and students

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Mindfulness Meditation Training

Stony Brook University offers faculty, staff and students mindfulness based training.

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Midday Mindful

Westchester Community College offers mindfulness and meditation classes

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Mindfulness Online 

UAlbany's Counseling Center provides mindfulness online sessions 

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Online Meditation  

Empire State College offers weekly online meditation sessions



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Kristen Blinne, Ph.D.

Mindfulness Educator/Coach

Dr. Kristen C. Blinne serves as a Mindfulness Educator and Coach at the SUNY Mindfulness Institute. In this role she utilizes her in depth experience in contemplative practices to develop and teach mindfulness based curriculum. Dr. Blinne also serves as an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the State University of New York College at Oneonta. She is also a certified yoga and meditation teacher with many years of experience. She is continuously called to explore the questions: How can we better understand and negotiate cultural differences and how can individuals and communities teach and learn to engage more peacefully, nonviolently, and compassionately with each other? Dr. Blinne primarily teaches courses in Listening, Interpersonal Communication, and Intercultural Communication, among other areas, and she regularly engages in independent studies focused on meditation. She is an active member of the Mindfulness in Education Network, the National Communication Association, and the Association for Contemplative Mind in Society. 


Ashok K. Malhotra, Ph.D.

SUNY Mindfulness Institute Advisor 

Dr. Ashok Kumar Malhotra serves as an Advisor to the SUNY Mindfulness Institute. He is an Emeritus Distinguished Teaching Professor of Philosophy at the SUNY Oneonta. He is the winner of a dozen prestigious awards such as Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, East West Center Distinguished Alumni Award (USA), University of Hawaii Distinguished Alumni Award (USA), Gullands NRI Excellence Award (UK), Jewel of India Gold Award (India), Spiritual Leadership Award (USA), Bharat Excellence Award (India) and others. He has published 14 books on Indian, Chinese, Western and Comparative Philosophy along with two volumes of Children’s Stories. He was a consultant for the Warner Brothers “Kung Fu: The Legend Continues,” TV Series. Dr. Malhotra is one of the founding members of SUNY Oneonta's Philosophy Department. He also establish the Yoga and Meditation Society at SUNY Oneonta where he conducted interviews with  more than 20 scholars/practitioners from diverse traditions. To recognize individuals who have performed outstanding community service locally, nationally or globally, he established four SEVA (Compassionate Service) Awards for the faculty and students at SUNY Oneonta as well as at the East West Center and University of Hawaii. Furthermore, he is the Founder/President of the Ninash Foundation (, a charity that has built 6 schools for more than 1500 female and minority children of India. In recognition of his charitable work for the underprivileged children of India, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.


Terry Murray, Ph.D.

Mindfulness Educator/Coach

Dr. Terry Murray serves as a Mindfulness Educator and Coach at the SUNY Mindfulness Institute. Dr. Murray is an Associate Professor Emeritus in the Humanistic/Multicultural Education Program in the School of Education at SUNY New Paltz. This unique graduate program is grounded in pedagogy that is reflective, experiential, collaborative and multicultural. Over the past 15 years, his research and writing interests have focused on self-knowledge development, contemplative practices in teaching and learning, and the integration of contemplative education and social justice/equity work. Dr. Murray has been a visiting scholar at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, further exploring contemplative education. He has also been an instructor in the SUNY New Paltz – Chongqing University of Education Partnership and taught in Chongqing, China during the springs of 2017-2019. Dr. Murray has worked to integrate contemplative philosophies and practices in teaching a range of graduate and undergraduate course courses, and collaborated with colleagues to establish mindful communities on college and university campuses. He is a co-founder of the SUNY New Paltz Faculty/Staff Contemplative Network and the SUNY Contemplative Network.   

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Lisa Napora, Ph.D.

SUNY Mindfulness Institute Advisor 

Dr. Lisa Napora serves as an Advisor, Mindfulness Educator, and Coach at the SUNY Mindfulness Institute.  She has devoted her life to the study and practice of the transformative dimensions of mindfulness in service to collective wellbeing.  Her work at the nexus of personal evolution and social transformation positions awareness as a fulcrum for inner and outer change. With a doctorate in Educational Leadership & Policy and more than 20 years in the business world, Lisa is a renowned mindfulness advocate known for her in-depth knowledge, inspiring vision, and her many achievements as the co-founder & Executive Director of  The Mindfulness Alliance.  She writes, speaks, leads workshops, and consults on a broad range of contemplative topics. Dr. Napora also teaches at SUNY SAIL’s Leadership Institute in their Mindful Leadership Certificate program. She serves as a Visiting Scholar at the University at Buffalo, and on the Board of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society. Lisa helps individuals, groups, and organizations deepen awareness, build awareness-based capacities, and foster sustainable changes that support movement from a "me" to a "we” mindset". 


Loretta Pyles, Ph.D.

Mindfulness Educator/Coach

Dr. Loretta Pyles serves as a Mindfulness Educator and Coach for the SUNY Mindfulness Institute. She is Professor at the School of Social Welfare at the University at Albany. She is also a meditation and yoga teacher, workshop leader, organizational consultant, and life coach. Her work focuses on social justice, community organizing, environmental disasters, trauma, body-mind-spirit practice, and healing justice. She brings together holistic/contemplative practice and social justice in cutting edge ways with the goal of sustaining self-aware and embodied social change agents, educators, and care workers. She is founder and leader of the monthly healing justice circle that was started in the Capital Region of New York but is currently being held virtually. She is the author of Healing Justice: Holistic Self-Care for Change Makers (Oxford University Press, 2018); Progressive Community Organizing: Transformative Practice in a Globalizing World, 3rd edition (Routledge Press, 2021); and co-author of Production of Disaster and Recovery in Post-Earthquake Haiti: Disaster Industrial Complex (Routledge Press, 2018). For more information, go to

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Glenn Pichardo 

Mindfulness Educator/ Executive Director 

Glenn Pichardo is the Founder and Executive Director of the SUNY Mindfulness Institute. Glenn first started meditating during Yoga classes, led by Dr. Bruce McEwen, while a graduate student at the University at Albany. From there, Glenn expanded his knowledge and practice of mindfulness by establishing a regular meditation practice, taking   mindfulness and meditation courses, participating in a 10-Day silent Vipassana meditation retreat and teaching mindfulness and meditation to college students, professional organizations as well as at SUNY SAIL leadership events and courses. Glenn is also a graduate of the SUNY Hispanic Leadership Institute. He also serves as a Leadership Development Specialist for SUNY SAIL as well as a Counselor in the Educational Opportunity Program at SUNY Oneonta.

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The SUNY Mindfulness Institute

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